SB24-029 - Study Metrics to Measure Criminal Justice System Success

SB24-029 – Study Metrics to Measure Criminal Justice System Success
Effective Date: Was signed into law by the Governor and took effect on March 6, 2024

Bill Page / Signed Act / Last Fiscal Note

This is a working group that is being put together, the group must be appointed by November 20, 2024 and they must convene by February 1, 2025, then submit a report to the General Assembly by July 1, 2025. They will be working to study different metrics other than recidivism to measure the success of the criminal justice system. The working group will study metrics to the following:

  • Supplementing the current measure of recidivism
    • a measure of desistance from crime
    • reductions in the frequency and seriousness of new criminal behavior
    • increases the length of time between criminal behaviors
  • Measure risk-reduction outcomes
  • Comprehensively measure successful outcomes that consider aspects of life
    • Employment
    • Housing
    • Education
    • Mental Health
    • Personal Well-being
    • Social Supports
    • Civic and Community Engagement
  • More effectively measure criminal justice system performance to ensure alignment with best practices both in supervision program design and implementation.